Freefall ‘22

Sarah Gill Martin
4 min readNov 29, 2022


Once a year we kidnap our early-stage teams and take them somewhere in the Danish countryside for a day of carefully organised chaos. All in the name of building stronger connections across the portfolio and spending quality time together in the fresh air*.

This time it was a scout cabin in North Zealand in the fine company of Sibill, All Gravy, wawa fertility and Embla. We spent the day getting blown along a coastal hike, *sheltering in a seaside bodega and competing in a sequence of gruelling physical and mental challenges in the name of the Freefall Cup. 🥁💦

Then we settled down to a deeply delicious feast cooked up by Jamain Brigitha aka The Caribbean Housewife (HIGHLY recommended for all your catering and indeed eating needs!). After that it was on to building (and eventually also lighting) a big bonfire, stargazing on the beach and the usual iPhone disco before piling onto the bus back to the city, smelling of wood smoke and singing songs all the way home next to old friends and new.🌻🪲

September feels like a long time ago already but we are treasuring the memories (and photos) still of a great day in the best company. Thank you Jonatan Marc Rasmussen Kristian Lundager Cecilie Hvidberg Jakobsen Nicholas Syhler Mattia Montepara Lorenzo Liguori Dario Prencipe and your brilliant teams for making the time to join us. ❤️🐝




Sarah Gill Martin

Head of brand, community building & proper cuppas at Founders startup studio in Copenhagen. 🇬🇧🇩🇪🇩🇰